The world of dental implants is constantly evolving and leading dental implants west hollywood ca clinics are keeping up with the fast-changing trends. The craze for dental implants is genuine. The benefits it confers regarding optimizing dental functions and alleviating social stigma because of missing teeth are significant. But the latest advancements in dental implants in 2024 offer a lot more to cheer for. Here are some of the latest trends in dental implants that you’d not want to miss:
Computer-Assisted Technology
The use of computer-aided design (CAD) in cosmetic dentistry is catching pace. The revolutionary advancement promises near-perfect results. The fully equipped clinics for dental implants in west hollywood make use of the technology to create detailed models of the patient’s oral cavity. With a fully customized implant shape and root size, the implant post will fit snugly into the jawbone. This will reduce the risk of rejection and yield the best results in a minimum time.
Robotic Guided Surgery
The digital imaging technology will now allow dentists to perform a completely guided robotic surgery. The use of technology will promote accurate placement of implants with monitored implant alignment and depth. The precision will minimize the risk of post-surgical complications.
Same Day Implants
Not many are comfortable with repeat follow-up visits and a year-long process to enjoy a ‘whole’ smile. With the same day dental implants seeing the light of day, west hollywood dental implants clinics can promise ‘smile makeovers’ in a single visit. The process will involve placing a temporary crown that will give you immediate aesthetic and functional benefits.
Non Invasive Dental Implants
In the context of dental implants, experts have noted that the severity of the condition was often not given sufficient consideration. Traditional dental implants follow a standard invasive procedure to address all cases of missing teeth. But not anymore! Mini dental implants are much smaller in diameter as compared to traditional implants. They can be placed using a minimally invasive surgical procedure. This smaller root size will be of much advantage to patients with bone loss, as it can significantly reduce treatment duration and patient discomfort.
Metal-Free Implants
Since long, titanium has been used for the root post in dental implants. But rejection due to metal intolerance is high. Zirconium implants are a new technology. The material is metal-frew with high biocompatibility.
Infection-Fighting Implants
Do you know that even dental implants are prone to infection? If one does not maintain proper oral hygiene or fails to follow post-procedure instructions, the chances of infection around the post increase significantly. The new infection-fighting implants come with an antibacterial coating. Dental implant experts feel that it is a much-needed advancement to increase long-term treatment success.
Final Thoughts
As technological innovations unfold rapidly, leading cosmetic dentistry clinics are quick to adopt new procedures and pass on the benefits to willing patients. Personal Dental Office in west hollywood ca is one such cosmetic dentistry center wherein one can find the latest technologies being used for good. Book a consultation to learn how you can benefit from these rising trends in dental implants.